
Articles Posted in Education


Georgia Educator Ethics Investigations By The Professional Standards Commission

Attorney Julie Oinonen was recently featured on the news featured here regarding her expertise in educator ethics investigations involving the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) which is the state agency responsible for licensing, certifying, and disciplining educators in Georgia. Among its various functions, one of the PSC’s most important duties…


Educator Wins Trial Showing District Violated Open Records Act In Order To Hide Evidence Of Race Discrimination

The Charlton County Herald recently featured Dr. Green’s victory in winning her Open Records Act at trial see here for the news story.   The citations below refer to “T” stand for the trial transcript which can be made available upon request: Dr. Green contends the school district’s motive to withhold…


Good Georgia Employment Lawyer Lawsuit On Behalf Of Professor Featured in AJC and Gainesville Times

Williams Oinonen LLC has the privilege of representing Dr. Robert Wainberg in an employment matter. His lawsuit against Piedmont College was recently featured in the AJC today which can be read here and also in the Gainesville Times which can be read here.


Georgia Teacher Wins Professional Standards Commission PSC Ethics Case

Good Georgia Employment Lawyer secured a third victory for Cindy Williams in an ALJ trial prosecuted by the Attorney General. The ALJ’s (Administrative Law Judge’s) decision is below which reversed the Professional Standards Commission, also known as the Georgia PSC, which had sought to suspend the educator’s certificate for two…


Georgia Employment and Education Lawyer Obtains Dismissal Of Teacher’s PSC-Professional Standards Commission Suspension Charge Against Her Teaching Certificate

Georgia Employment and Education attorney obtained a full dismissal and no probable cause finding from the Attorney General and Georgia Professional Standards Commission involving a charge brought against a school teacher facing a suspension of her teaching certificate due to a Georgia PSC standards of ethics charge. The PSC agreed…


Georgia Education Lawyer Wins Appeal Before the State Board of Education

Georgia Education Lawyer Julie Oinonen won an appeal before the State Board of Education on behalf of Mrs. Cindy Williams, a Georgia Association of Educators’ member and one of the sole African American guidance counselors in Grady County School System in southwest Georgia who was wrongfully terminated. Fortunately,the Grady County…


Georgia Employment Lawyer Sues for $1500 on Behalf of Two Plaintiffs, Gets Back Money For all 150 DeKalb Teachers’ Liquidated Damage Charges

Georgia Education Lawyer won back the $750 of liquidated damages taken out of 150 DeKalb County School teachers’ contracts. The suit, brought on behalf of two plaintiffs for the loss of $1500.00, ended up having a settlement of $160,000 to pay each of the 150 teachers back their unpaid wages,…


Georgia Education Lawyer Wins PSC Case For Teacher Accused Of Chokehold

Georgia Education Lawyer obtained a “no probable cause” finding for Ms. Stephanie Fleet effectively dismissing the charges that were brought against her by the Attorney General on behalf of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, the state agency that regulates teacher contracts. Ms. Fleet was exonerated from the charges brought against…


Good Georgia Education Lawyer Wins Educator PSC Case Prosecuted By Attorney General

Good Education Lawyer Julie Oinonen recently won a hard fought Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) case on behalf of a Georgia educator who was wrongfully accused of violating the standards of ethics and risked having her teaching certification suspended. The Georgia PSC wished to suspend the educator’s teaching license certification.…

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