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Williams Oinonen LLC Hosts Covenant College Visit To Emory Law School


Williams Oinonen LLC had the pleasure of hosting pre-law Covenant College students and their pre-law advisor Dr. Richard Follett with a visit to Emory University School of Law. In the morning students visited the downtown Atlanta law firm of Williams Oinonen LLC, toured Fulton County Superior Courthouse and observed Judge Gail Tusan’s criminal arraignment and plea calendar court. In the afternoon they had lunch on the main campus of Emory University, attended an admissions tour of the law school campus, and ended the day visiting the remainder of the campus including the Emory Carlos Museum.

Williams Oinonen LLC enjoys hosting pre-law students from Georgia colleges, mentoring, and providing clerkships to law students who are primarily interested in civil rights work with a primary focus in the areas of education and employment.

If you are a pre-law or law student interested in learning more, please contact 404-654-0288.

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