Courageous APS Whistleblower Dr. Jackson Reynolds successfully had her case dismissed before the Professional Standards Commission.
Dr. Jackson Reynolds was retaliated against after she reported the abuse of her special needs students that had been captured on video.
Dr. Jackson was forced to report the abuse to Child Protective Services and the Atlanta Police Department all by herself. APS never questioned her about the matter until she was compelled to go on the six o clock news, Nancy Grace on CNN, and other news media. Soon after she was called in for questioning and was summarily terminated from her position.
APS filed a PSC action against her teaching certificate, risking her ability to ever teach again. Williams Oinonen LLC represented her in this matter successfully.
The Attorney General recommended the PSC administratively dismissed her case. Before Dr. Jackson Reynolds can pursue any type of whistleblower action, she must appeal her unemployment benefits denial before the Superior Court of which this law firm is representing her pro bono.
Dr. Jackson Reynolds had a stellar career in special education before it was destroyed by her whistleblower bravery that saved these children from abuse. Now, she is actively seeking work. If you are interested in obtaining her resume, contact our law firm at 404-654-0288.