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CNN employee DeWayne Walker claims exec threatened to kill him over race discrimination lawsuit


Williams Oinonen LLC files a race discrimination lawsuit on behalf of African American CNN employee who alleged that his executive threatened to kill him over his race discrimination lawsuit.

The AJC wrote about the story which can be read here. Other news media sources also wrote about the story which can be read here as well as here.

Soon after, CNN terminated Mr. Walker which was written about here.

Williams Oinonen LLC partner Mario Williams provided a statement:

“As a basis for his termination, CNN stated that they had conducted an “investigation” and that CNN had determined his accusations to be “unfounded.” The inherent injustice of this “conclusion” is evident: two men walk into a room, one black, one white, an act of violence occurs, and only the white man’s version of events is credited. This tale is as old as our nation and as American as our nation’s racism. It is also a rancid act of retaliation and a transparent attempt to deprive Mr. Walker of his day in Court and delay CNN’s obligation to explain itself to an impartial arbiter. CNN’s termination of Mr. Walker mooted the TRO hearing for now. However Mr Walker’s lawsuit is ongoing and he will continue to hold CNN accountable for its pattern of race based discrimination and retaliation.”

If you have information concerning employment discrimination you are experiencing at your workplace that has resulted in an adverse employment action such as termination, contact our law firm at 404-654-0288.

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